It's funny that I've been forcing myself to get out there and shoot for the last two weeks, and for some reason, I've captured some of the best photos that I've ever captured. For that, I thank the members of my photography class. Since I've been teaching them, I've tried very hard to practice what I preach, but getting out there and shooting a lot, all the time thinking while I shoot. I can't be satisfied with just adequate photos, since I keep telling them to capture the best angle, perspective and to be careful to hold the camera steady. Writing the hand outs has also reminded me of some of the basics. Things I just did without thinking, now I have to think before I shoot and I'm not satisfied with "just capturing it on my card". I'm thinking about the best way to capture it. So, thank you, students. We all need to learn.
This butterfly was shot using F7.1 for 2 reasons; it is the sharpest aperture on my lens and to get a little extra Depth of Field to keep the flowers and his wings in focus. I used ISO 400 to give me a faster shutter speed (1/320th) to stop the motion of his wings. Today was an overcast day, so there were no lighting issues to deal with so I set it to 0eV, which worked out fine. It gave me a perfect histogram with no clipped highlights or shadows. That's the beauty of shooting on an overcast day. It also helps to increase the saturation in the colors. No flash was used.
I like the way the background hues mimic the colors of the butterfly in this one.
Thank you, Jim. I didn't even notice that, right down to the orange spots on the wings. Cool!
Loyce, all your instruction is paying off--this is the perfect teaching photo! Your explanation about settings for depth of field and shutter speed are very helpful and by example you show us what fabulous composition is. I love the way this swallowtail floats etherally in the upper portion of the frame--a wonderfully evocative, crisp, pleasing, feel-good shot. Thank you!
Thank you, Margo. I put all the settings and my thoughts into the message so my students can see what I did to create it.
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