Nature is wonderful, but so cruel at times. I don't know how these birds grieve or even why they choose to have their clutches in a lake filled with 'gators and many hawks. Year after year I watch their broods disappear. It's no wonder their clutches are so large. That old cliche, "only the strong survive" must've come from the natural world. Sometimes I wish I could protect the little babies. At least I know that if I'm outside nothing will happen to them. The hawks and the 'gators take cover. Unfortunately, I can't be there all the time. On the other hand, the 'gators and the hawks have to eat, too. It must be tough being at the low end of the food chain.
If you've never encountered Muscovy ducks, you don't know how friendly and how gentle they are. Everytime they have a new clutch, they always bring them to our yards to "visit" and show off their young. They're so adorable.
Some of the people in my neighborhood complain because there are so many of them and they even tried to have an ordinance put in place to get rid of them and make it unlawful to offer them food. We don't live within city limits so our opinion will not be heard, but the ordinance didn't pass. I'm happy about that. They know they're safe in my yard and in my neighbors' yards.
Watching them communicate with one another is such a treat to me. Muscovies don't make very loud sounds. The males sort of blow wind through their mouth; I think it comes from their throats and wiggle their tails. The females have a very low whistling sound. When they're communicating with one another, they face each other wag their tails and bob their heads and necks. It's the cutest thing to watch.
Muscovy Ducks are always welcome in my yard.
I must meet the Mucovies! They sound really fun and sweet and I want to see how they wag their tails. Your shot really captures the parents' protective nature with the last duckling. I hope they will still be there when I finally arrive next month!
Thanks for educating me yet again. Elderberry bush - I would have simply thought of it as a weed on the shoreline before now.
You're very welcome. The berries also make very good jelly; although I've never made any, but it's sold in specialty stores and I've seen it in restaurants.
I hope they'll still be here as well, Margo. I've had several females make their nests in my yard. It's so cute to watch them grow up, but it's heartbreaking to see the brood all die off one-by-one.
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