He didn't pay any attention to me; he must've thought I was still stalking the Red-shouldered Hawk. He gave me just enough time to grab this shot before he flew off.
These Red-bellied Woodpeckers are resident in Florida year 'round and can be found in open woods and in towns.
Most people think Woodpeckers are pests and damage trees. The opposite is true. They are actually beneficial by consuming large amounts of wood-boring beetles as well as grasshoppers, ants, and other insect pests. They also feed on acorns, beechnuts, and wild fruits and they habitually store their food.
Camera specs used in this shot: ISO 200, 1/250 @ F7.1, aperture priority, partial metering on the bird, with 0 exposure compensation in the late afternoon sun.
Fantastic! I love the light and the color and the way he blends with the tree. You amaze me with every shot!
Thank you so much, Margo. Either late afternoon light or early morning light are the best for photography.
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