It was built during the Gilded Age in 1926 by C. Perry Snell. The passage way, or the arcade as it was called is still there, but doesn't look at all like it did "back in the day". It still has some of the mosaics in place, but the 7 statues of Venus are all gone. Mr. Snell removed them when he sold the building, but the very impressive mosaic tile imported from Europe that depicted a Baroque Venetian church is still there. The name of the mosaic is Baldassare Longhena’s Santa Maria della Salute. It was uncovered during the 1983 renovation and couldn't be moved. The arcade was and still is a passage way between Central Ave and 1st St North where the old Open Air Post Office (which is still being used) stands.
If you'd like to know more about this beautiful building, a Google or Bing search on "Snell Arcade Building" will bring up all kinds of information.
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