Monday, May 4, 2009

Brown Pelican Landing

This was shot on my trip to John's Pass with my grandson. I was just fooling around tracking Pelicans coming in and caught this one just right.

John's Pass is a great place to see many Brown Pelicans, Great Blue Herons, Snowy and Great White Egrets and of course, all kinds of Laughing Gulls. It's also a great place to practice catching the birds in the air as well as landing and taking off. They all hang around the boardwalk waiting for tidbits from the fishermen as they clean the fish on the docks. These birds are used to people, so they're not skittish at all.

It's also a great place to watch for dolphin in the channel. They usually follow the bigger boats, like the Casino Cruises as they come in and out to pick up passengers. In addition, if you like to go shopping or eat fresh fish and seafood, this is the place to visit. There are so many little shops and restaurants, there is something for all.

John's Pass is on Madeira Beach on the central west coast of Florida.

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