I would like to have gotten a front view, but I was limited by the boardwalk; and after about 10 minutes and the Ranger telling me twice the boardwalk was closed, I had to take what I could. He was sitting roughly 15 ft away when I made this shot with my 55mm-250mm IS lens. I think I cropped about 20% off the original to produce this final image.
This image was taken at about 8:00 pm under a heavy canopy of trees in pretty low light conditions. I set the ISO to 400, I could've gone higher, but I knew I'd have to crop it and I wanted to introduce as little noise as possible. I chose to use F9 to get a little more depth of field and was forced to hand hold my camera because I didn't bring my tripod at 1/40th of a second. The lens was racked all the way out at 250mm. I'm very fortunate to have pulled this one off. I shot it in a burst of 3, knowing the 2nd one would probably be the sharpest, since I wasn't pushing or letting go of the shutter button.
Wonderful shot Loyce, even with the boardwalk closed. Your discussion of approach and technique is fascinating. I really hope to study with you this winter!
Thank you, Margo. I've started to post my thoughts with my photo so my students can read it as an extra value to their membership.
I'd love to have you with my group. I also post a photo tip of the day on the message board and 3 of us give regular critiques to anyone who posts. In addition, all the lessons are in the files, so the students can print and read them for a refresher.
I feel like I just hit the jackpot! I didn't know about critique area and lessons in the file--I should be packing but I can't pull myself away from treasure trove hidden in the message board! Thanks, Loyce!
No problem, Margo. Enjoy!
Great shot yet again considering the circumstances too. It's even a little dreamy looking with the frog and shallow depth of field. Love your work! This is maybe my fave.
That's so nice of you to say that, Gary. Thanks.
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