For me, I saw a perfect shot with the Laughing Gulls flying all around her and the pink tinge in the clouds that can only be seen during sunset.
When photographing the sunset, we usually get mesmerized by the beauty of the sunset itself. Don't forget to turn around. You just might spot a much better image like this one. The light is warm, directional and the textures, forms and shapes are brought out like no other lighting.
For this image, the light was coming from the sun about a 90° angle to my subject which as previously mentioned, brought out the texture in the sand and sea grasses. I shot this image at 1/800 (to stop the motion of the birds in flight) at F5. Since there was a lot of light areas, I added 1 stop exposure compensation to keep the birds, skin tones and sky from being underexposed. For those of you who use point-n-shoot cameras, if you have a beach or snow mode, this would work well for this type of image. My ISO was set at 200 and I used my 55-250mm lens at 96mm. I used Aperture Priority mode and Partial metering.
Another gasp-producing photo, Loyce! I love the gull-flapping busyness against calm clouds and pink-tinged sky. Also the way the sunlight hits the human silhouettes. Warm and rich exciting shot!
Thank you so much, Margo. I really liked the lighting and the gulls flying everywhere too.
Beautiful light. I also like the fact that the people were included in the shot. The human interaction is a nice element.
Thank you, Jim. I appreciate the comment.
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