I'm so confused about this because I don't know if this is a flower bud, a nut, a fruit or what. I'm posting it here in hopes that someone who sees it can identify it.
I love the furry texture when I touch them, and I think they're beautiful--what ever they are. They are in bloom now and I'm in St Petersburg, FL.
Any help to identify this would be appreciated. I can't even Google it because I don't know if it's a flower, a nut or a fruit. It's pretty hard to Google something if you don't know what it is.
My friends and I used to have great fun climbing in one of these trees when I was young but I have no idea what it's called. The flowers and their buds were large and beautiful. Nice image of one of the buds. This brought back some memories.
Thank you, Jim. I found out what it is. It's a Magnolia Seed Pod. Someone on Twitter answered me and I double-checked it on Google images.
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