It has lost a lot of saturation due to the compression and I'm very disappointed. I wish you all could see how it really looks. It's a beautiful flower. This blog really does a number on my photos. :( What a shame!
Settings used for this shot were: Aperture Priority and partial metering off the flower at F7.1 at 1/250 with 200 ISO, -2/3 exposure to keep the highlights in check. Focal Length was 200mm.
A beautiful flower nevertheless. How big was it? I'm also frustrated that my images just don't look right on my blog. Usually mine are over exposed and washed out. It's irritating and takes extra time, but I often create a copy of the original to put in a separate WEB file. Then I tone the exposure down and the saturation up before I upload.
Thankfully you were able to avoid shooting this in the harsh direct sunlight that usually hits this pond. The soft overcast/cloudy light is just right to create the even illumination you have here. The saturation here looks pretty natural to me on my calibrated screens by the way but I know that flower shooters typically like their subjects to have a bit of punch in the colors.
You say you are seeing a stauration decrease from the original when you make the jpg conversion. If you aren't already setting the jpg to sRGB color space during the conversion then give it a try and see if it helps.
Thank you for your suggestion, Jim. I'll check my settings to see if I'm setting the color space to sRGB on export.
My screen is calibrated, and the original has a whole lot more punch. The yellow glows and the purples and greens pop.
I also noticed that when I posted this on our group site, the same thing happened; yet, it looks fine in Lightroom.
Thank you for the suggestion, Karen. I think the flower is probably 5-6 inches in diameter. I'm not a very good judge of distance or measurement. It really was beautiful.
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