The shoreline in Maine is very rocky. It's strange that even though this is the same ocean, and the same coast how it changes as so radically as you get further and further south. Here in Florida, we have no rock and our water is more of an emerald green.
All my life I've lived on the coast. I've lived in Maine, Connecticut, New York and Florida. The coasts and water color varies so much. What a wonderful continent we live on. I never get tired of living by the sea and can only wonder how people who have lived their whole lives inland who have never seen the sea don't know what they're missing. This is soooo beautiful. There's nothing like the smell of sea air.
Love the cool blue color of the water and the hints of brilliant green in the tidal pools among the rocks.
It was that little bit of green that initially attracted me to this shot. I remember saying to my daughter-in-law, "I sure hope I can capture that color".
Thanks for your comment, Jim.
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