When you've found a beautiful landscape, you should always photograph it at different times of day. You'll never know what beauty you can find otherwise.
Settings for this scene were as follows: It was shot at 6:50 am, just 20 minutes before sunrise at ISO 200 for 13 seconds at F16. I chose ISO 200 so I'd get less digital noise (grain) and F16 for two reasons; I wanted to be sure everything was in focus from near to far and I wanted a slow shutter speed to blur the water and make it smooth. I used Aperture Priority mode so I could set the aperture, with 0 exposure compensation and partial metering on the grass (which is as close to 18% gray as I could get. Since the light was changing very fast, I set my White Balance to Auto; not that it makes a whole lot of difference when shooting RAW. The focal length was 18mm with my 18-55mm lens.
I love the color palette and the reflections. This is a very relaxing image to look at. Glad you were able to get out and take advantage of the morning light.
Thank you, Jim. This is a favorite of mine. The morning light makes all the difference in the world.
Lovely, lovely, lovely...the light and water are so pleasing. I've never seen it quite that way--you captured something only early risers get to see. Thank you Loyce...always pushing the edge....
Thank you so much, Margo. It's really funny how this very scene looks so bland during the day. It was well worth getting up for.
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