To my surprise, at Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa, Florida, these two chickens were wandering around the park. I couldn't believe my eyes. I don't know what kind of chickens they are but these two look like show chickens, judging by their coloring and grooming. Either they "flew the coop" or someone got tired of listening to this rooster and let them go in the park.
They were fairly tame because they didn't mind us getting close to them to photograph them. The just seemed to go about their business, completely ignoring us.
I'm in various nature parks throughout the Tampa Bay area at least once a week, if not more with my friends. While I'm always looking for something different to photograph, never in a million years did I ever expect to find chickens in a nature park. What a surprise!
You sure know how to make a person laugh! There Rhodies are terrific. Leave it to you to find chickens in the park. I hope your students got some good shots.
So these are Rhode Island Red! I thought so, but wasn't sure. Thanks for the ID, Margo.
I'm still waiting for my students to post their shots. I'm sure they got some good ones. They got to get up close and personal with them.
What a catch--and in a park, no less.
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